You can renew your expired subscription by logging in to your account from any browser using URL or from the hoichoi app.

  1. In case of app, click on "Menu" followed by "Login". Enter your credentials to login.
  2. Once logged in, click on "menu" followed by "settings" 
  3. Then click on "subscribe now" followed choosing your plan and proceeding with the online payment.

If using the desktop/laptop, type and login using your subscribed login method. Post this click on "hello" followed by "settings" and "subscribe now" respectively.

  1. When using the Mbrowser, type Click on the hamburger icon available on top left. 
  2. Now click on "login" followed by your subscribed login method.
  3. Once logged in, click again on the hamburger icon, followed by settings and subscribe now for proceeding with the online subscription process.